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27 février 2007
Ecocity 2007

Salon professionnel / Lieu : Barcelone - Espagne
ECOCITY : Cities Equipments and Environment Exhibition

ECOCITY will be held from the 27th of February to the 2nd of March 2007 in Barcelona’s Gran Vía exhibition centre. The event will showcase the most advanced environmental solutions for industry and the latest in equipment and services for cities. The following sectors will be present:

Water Treatment
Air Pollution
Energy and Renewable Energy
Waste (management and recycling)
Sound Pollution
Analysis, Measuring and Regulation
Risk Prevention
Urban Equipment and Services
Urban and Industrial Cleaning
Green Zones and Sports and Leisure Facilities
Engineering, Consultancy and Service Companies
Official Organisations


In addition to the trade show, ECOCITY will provide the setting for various sector activities and technical conferences

• Demonstrations Area
Exclusive area where exhibitors will present new products and carry out practical demonstrations.

• 7th Environmental Forum Conferences
Exhibitions and debates with the participation of professionals and organisations.

• 3rd Mediterranean Sustainability Forum – 27th and 28th of February
Politicians and business persons from the Mediterranean area meet to discuss issues related to free trade and sustainability in the region. Organised by the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Barcelona, ASCAME, Asociación de Cámaras de Comercio del Mediterráneo (Association of Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce) and the Fundació Fòrum Ambiental, among others.

• 5th Sustainable City Awards and 4th Encounter of Spanish Mayors
Organised by the Fundació Fòrum Ambiental, these are given to reward town councils which have carried out sustainability related actions and show evidence of their commitment to sustainable development. The show also invites the mayors from all Spanish town councils to discuss environmental challenges.

• 4th Design Prize for Recycling: recycled/recyclable product
Awarded by the Agencia de Residus del Departament de Medi Ambient de la Generalitat de Catalunya, in recognition of the products and projects of companies, students, professionals and institutions that integrate recycling criteria in their designs.

ECOCITY has the support of the sector represented by national and local associations such as ACECMA (Agrupació Catalana d'Enginyeries i Consultories Mediambientals); AFAMOUR (Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Mobiliario Urbano y Parques Infantiles); Agència de Residus de la Generalitat de Catalunya; AMEC-URBIS (Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Equipamiento Urbano); AQUA ESPAÑA (Asociación Española de Tratamiento y Control de Agua); ASCAME (Asociación de Cámaras de Comercio e Industria del Mediterráneo); ASEGRE (Asociación Española de Gestores de Residuos Especiales); ASEMA (Asociación de Empresas de Medio Ambiente); ATEGRUS/ISWA (Asociación Técnica de Gestión de Residuos y Aseo Urbano); Col•legi d’Enginyers Industrials; Col•legi de Quimics de Catalunya; Departament de Medi Ambient de la Generalitat de Catalunya; FMC (Federació de Municipis de Catalunya); FEMP (Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias); Fundació Fòrum Ambiental; ICAEN (Institut Català d’Energia); and the Ministry for the Environment, among other institutions.

ECOCITY is a trade show of Fira de Barcelona, the leading organiser of industrial and professional exhibitions in Spain and one of the first four in Europe in the number of events.
Barcelona, September 2006

Organised by : Fira de Barcelona


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